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Api Methods

The Api type exposes the following members.

Public methodCreateCCDA
Creates a CCDA object from the passed encounter. It will filter out sections using the SectionFilter. The result of CCDA object being passed back will always include the complete patient demographic (Patient’s first name, middle name, last name, patientID, tokenID, DOB, gender, contact info, race, ethnicity, and language). If all sections are filtered out, the end result of CCDA object will only return the complete patient demographic with EMR location where data being generated, no other info will be passed back.
Public methodFindPatient
Searches the patient database for patients that have a token matching the data passed. When calling for a patient, ehrAPI will return the patient basic demographic as a set by default. The basic patient demographic includes: patientID, tokenID being used, account number, first name, middle name, last name, DOB and gender along with encounter dates and encounterIDs. A complete patient demographic information (Patient’s first name, middle name, last name, patientID, tokenID, DOB, gender, contact info, race, ethnicity, and language) will be returned with encounter CCDA object.
Public methodLogIn
Attempts to login to the ehrThomas instance. It returns a LoginResult object, which contains the list of databases the user can access.
Public methodUseDb
Tells the Api what database to use. Can only be set once per instance.
See Also