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CCDASectionFilter Class

CCDASectionFilter parameters allow the developer To filter a CCDA Object. By Default, all CCDA sections will be returned. When searching for the patient's data. The complete patient demographic information (Patient’s first name, middle name, last name, patientID, tokenID, DOB, gender, contact info, race, ethnicity, and language) will be returned with encounter CCDA object.

The CCDASectionFilter type exposes the following parameters.
  • By default, the complete patient demographic information (Patient's first name, middle name, last name, patientID, tokenID, DOB, gender, contact info, race, ethnicity, and language) will be returned with ALL encounter CCDA sections.
  • If all parameters are filtered out (as false), the end result of CCDA object will only return the complete patient demographic with EMR location where data being generated, no other info will be passed back.
  • If only one CCDA parameter (data section) Is called (as true), the end result of CCDA object will return the complete patient demographic along with the data of the selected section. Example: If a medications parameter Is the only one that Is called, the result will be CCDA Object containing the complete patient demographic follows by CCDA medication section.
  • If 2 Or more CCDA parameters are called (as true), the end result of CCDA object will return complete patient demographic along with data of the selected sections. Example: If the medications, allergies, And results parameter are called, the result will be CCDA Object containing the complete patient demographic follows by CCDA medications, allergies, And results sections.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  ehrApi
Assembly:  ehrApi (in ehrApi.dll) Version: (
public class CCDASectionFilter

The CCDASectionFilter type exposes the following members.

Public propertyIncludeAllergies
Include the allergies section of the CCDA
Public propertyIncludeAssessment
Include the health assessment section of the CCDA
Public propertyIncludeCarePlan
Include the care plan section of the CCDA
Public propertyIncludeConcerns
Include the health concerns section of the CCDA
Public propertyIncludeDischargeInstructions
Include the dischare instructions section
Public propertyIncludeEncounterHeader
Include the header section of the CCDA
Public propertyIncludeEncounters
Include the encounters section of the CCDA
Public propertyIncludeFamilyHistory
Include the family history section of the CCDA
Public propertyIncludeFunctionalStatus
Include the functional status section of the CCDA
Public propertyIncludeGoals
Include the treatment goals section of the CCDA
Public propertyIncludeHistoryOfProcedures
Include the procedure section of the CCDA
Public propertyIncludeImmunization
Include the immunization section of the CCDA
Public propertyIncludeImplants
Include the implantable devices section
Public propertyIncludeInstructions
Include the paient instructions section of the CCDA
Public propertyIncludeInsurance
Include the payer section of the CCDA
Public propertyIncludeInterventions
Include the interventions section
Public propertyIncludeLabTests
Includes the Lab Tests in the care plan section of the CCDA
Public propertyIncludeMedications
Include the medications section of the CCDA
Public propertyIncludeMentalStatus
Include the mental status section of the CCDA
Public propertyIncludeOutcomes
Include the outcomes section
Public propertyIncludeProblems
Include the problems section of the CCDA
Public propertyIncludeReasonForReferral
Include the the reason for referral
Public propertyIncludeReasonForVisit
Include the reason for visit section of the CCDA
Public propertyIncludeResults
Include the lab results section of the CCDA
Public propertyIncludeSocialHistory
Include the social history section of the CCDA
Public propertyIncludeVitalSigns
Include the vital signs section of the CCDA
See Also